

In Igor you will find an honest and experienced lecturer whose lectures are continuously being developed thanks to his daily work as an educator and mental trainer. Since 2007, Igor has worked with hundreds of schools, companies and organizations, as well as some of the most prominent athletes and musicians in Sweden. The idea is that you as a participant will be able to apply what you have learned to concrete situations in your everyday life immediately upon leaving the lecture.

The theme that connects all Igor’s lectures is how we can find and maintain motivation, balance and courage in our daily life, and handle our own and others’ anger, fear and negativity.

All lectures are tailored to the client’s wishes and needs.


  • Highlight the Best
  • Learning to Lose
  • Pathways to Strength in Difficult Situations
  • Intelligent Goal Setting
  • Threat, Violence and Stress Management
  • Passion for Learning


nordeaIgor Ardoris was very concerned about having a good meeting before the assignment. He wanted to understand what we wanted to accomplish, it was nice considering that it was the first time I planned a conference to this extent. We wanted to see a continuous thread through the two days and he was very sensitive to that.

He came in good time to the conference and he listened to one of our internal lecturers who spoke before him. Igor managed to change a little of his PowerPoint presentation just before his lecture to link to what we just listened to and connect it to the internal lecturer before him. It was professional!

”Igor talked about mental training and personal responsibility but at a much more advanced level than other lecturers. The participants who worked a lot on these issues appreciated Igor’s lecture extraordinarily since it gave more dimension and depth to the subject.
Igor was also amusing, singing upon entering the stage, using good body language and with a twinkle in his eye. He managed to deliver some personal keys to each and every one regarding personal responsibilities.”

Marie Christie Lindström, Nordea Privat Banking